Is this your first National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference? Will this be your first time participating in Capitol Hill visits with your Members of Congress and their staff? Do you have new Members of Congress that need to know about anti-hunger programs and your work in the District and State?
Join us for FRAC and Feeding America’s “Lobbying 101” webinar. We will prepare you for just about everything you’ll need to know, bring, and do for your Hill visits.
You will learn persuasive advocacy strategies from seasoned lobbyists guaranteed to provide you with helpful advice for your meetings. This webinar will highlight practical tips for Hill visits, including how to frame your issues, craft “your ask,” and how to follow-up from back home. There will be ample time to ask questions. Geared to those new to advocacy, this webinar will take the stress out of your Hill visits and get you prepared (and excited) to charge Capitol Hill.